Meredith Corporation Pitch--- Justin Olsvik

Justin Olsvik|2020 GBJ

The goal for this assignment was to create an “elevator pitch” for a job at a publicly traded company. I’m a big fan of the National Geographic YouTube channel, and it occurred to me that I’d never stumbled across YouTube videos produced by their main travel magazine competitors. This led me to searching for the Travel+Leisure YouTube channel, a magazine brand that was at the time owned by the publicly traded Meredith Corporation. There was good reason I’d never stumbled on it before too. It’s bad.

So, I decided to pitch myself to Meredith Corporation to be a producer of video content for the Travel + Leisure brand. Doing so in the form of a short video seemed like the most natural way of doing so. As someone still learning the finer points of videography and editing, this somewhat unpolished MP4 was the result.