
Cutting-edge courses such as “Multimedia Business Reporting,” “Data Mining,” “Economics and Accounting for Journalists” and "Corporate Strategies” make full use of the school's premier facilities.

Students get practical training in writing about Chinese and international companies and financial instruments such as stocks, bonds and collateralized debt obligations. They learn how macroeconomic concepts such as fiscal and monetary policy affect businesses and individuals.

They create videos and slideshows with sound and graphics that help them tell business stories in multiple dimensions. They do presentations that compare coverage of news events by Chinese and foreign media. They learn to analyze balance sheets and income statements to produce stories that go beneath the surface and explain the meaning of events.

A survey of GBJ alumni found that they placed the highest value on their courses in writing and coverage of business and economic issues.


Students may elect to complete either a formal academic thesis or a professional journalism portfolio.

Students who choose to write a thesis are required to conduct an independent research project under the supervision of a faculty member and produce a paper of no less than 20,000 words.

As an alternative to the thesis, students may submit a portfolio of journalistic work. The portfolio should demonstrate the student’s ability to research and produce substantial news reports totaling at least 5,000 words, along with a description of the development and research involved, totaling at least 5,000 words.

Course requirements

This two-year program is taught fully in English and has a minimum requirement of 30 credits for international students.

(Please be advised that the courses listed below are for reference purposes only.  The specific course schedule and credit requirements for each year will be announced during orientation week.)

1. Basic Courses(12 credits required for graduation)

  Mass Communications and

  Society in Contemporary China

  3 credits

  Media Research Methods

  2 credits

  Intercultural Communication

  2 credits


  2 credits

  Workshop for Academic Training and Ethics

  3 credits

2. Core Courses (12 credits required for graduation)

  Business News Writing and Editing

  3 credits

  Economics and Accounting Basics for Journalists

  3 credits

  Business News Data Mining and Analysis

  3 credits

  News Writing and Multi-media Business Reporting

  3 credits

3. Elective Courses (6 credits required for graduation)

  Corporate Strategies, 

  Case Studies of Chinese and Global Companies

  2 credits

  GBJ Learning on Practice for New Media Skills

  2 credits

  Corporate Communication

  2 credits

  Workshop on Film and TV Production

  2 credits

  Feature Writing in English

  2 credits

  Hot Topics in the Global Economy

  2 credits

  Public Speaking

  2 credits

  Media Management

  2 credits

  Opinion and News Commentary

  2 credits

4. Required Courses(4 credits)

  GBJ Internship

  3 credits

  Literature Review and Thesis Proposal

  1 credit

(B)-- Basic Course

(C)-- Core Course

(E)-- Elective Course