2012 GBJ student Himanshu published Articles on Global Times

Himanshu Kumar Sethia, a second year student of Global Business Journalism Program at our school from India, is doing his internship at Global Times Beijing bureau. He mentioned that intern things started becoming more challenging and more interesting and he believe Journalism is a link that connects each one of us beyond our everyday lives. As a writer and reporter at Global Times, he has published few articles recently, please check the following links to read more.

Will India take the pain to refine the working of polity?


Market demands drive Indian coverage of China


Rapidly changing cyberspace may end up providing its own solutions


India’s fabric could be torn or strengthened by creation of new states


Their last meal was not just a ‘free meal’


India complicit in planning mass destruction of its own environment


India campaign on malnutrition faces monumental challenges to succeed


Detroit ghost will haunt emerging cities
