About 60 graduates of the Global Business Journalism program joined students and faculty for the fourth annual GBJ alumni reunion on Jan. 8, 2016.
The reunion, held at Bloomberg News’ Beijing bureau, was a celebration of the seventh class of students attending the prestigious international program at the Tsinghua School of Journalism and Communications.
John Liu, Bloomberg’s Managing Editor for China, welcomed the alumni and called the program beneficial both to Tsinghua and the respected global news agency, which has hired several GBJ graduates in recent years. GBJ is a partnership between Tsinghua, the International Center for Journalists and Bloomberg.
During a ceremony following dinner, each of the alumni described their activities in the past years. The graduates reported working for media companies including Xinhua News Agency, People’s Daily, CCTV, Bloomberg News, Bloomberg Businessweek, Reuters. Others have created their own entrepreneurial ventures or work for financial or consulting firms in Beijing.
The annual reunion, hosted by Bloomberg, was organized by the GBJ Alumni Association, Lee Miller, a GBJ professor and Bloomberg editor, and Rose Li, coordinator of the International Affairs Office of the Tsinghua School of Journalism and Communication.
Professor Miller and GBJ Co-Director Hang Min announced plans for a major celebration next year to mark the tenth anniversary of the program’s creation. GBJ Co-Director Rick Dunham also discussed plans to create a mentor program linking alumni with current GBJ students from China and around the world.