Global Business Journalism students have the opportunities to take new courses and study new business-related topics for the first time this semester.
The Tsinghua School of Journalism and Communication has inaugurated a new course called Business News Data Visualization taught by Pam Tobey, an award-winning graphic artist with 30 years of experience at the Washington Post. Professor Tobey came to Tsinghua after nine years as visuals director at the Beijing Review, an English language newsmagazine based in Beijing.
The course is designed to teach students in the GBJ and Tsinghua-USC data science dual degree program to more effectively research, visualize and analyze economic data. The course will include lectures, hands-on workshops and in-class training, and sessions with globally respected graphic designers and data visualization experts.
GBJ also welcomes visiting professor Cary O'Reilly, a veteran reporter and editor with extensive experience at Bloomberg News and other business journalism news organizations. Professor O'Reilly has been based in Washington, D.C., Switzerland, Japan and Singapore in a three-decade journalism career. He will be teaching the journalism school's intercultural communication course.
He also will be introducing two new subjects to the GBJ curriculum in the Hot Topics course: the business of healthcare and the top of ESG, sustainability and corporate governance. Both of those topics are high priorities of the program's co-sponsors, Bloomberg News and the International Center for Journalists, and may become subjects of courses in future semesters.